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Apsveikuma pantiņi

Ziemassvētku zīmēšanas konkurss ”Mans sapnis par…”

Lapa : 326
Never Ending...

The moment I saw your face…
I felt within a spark that did blaze..
the moment you saw my face..
you wondered if I was the one…
who would love to share..
the best thing in the world..
we knew we were meant to be…
and that did happen…
those days were something else…
we knew nothing else..
but that we were in love…
but then came a sorrowful separation….
that did create a barrier between us..
but we still loved…
that is something never ending…

Trapped I am,
Trapped I’ll be.
The pain I feel,
You’ll never see.
From wall to wall, ceiling to floor,
There are no windows, there are no doors.
I scream, I cry
I fall, I die.
I hurt no more, I open my eyes
Someone, something, had heard my cries.
Then the world goes dark and I feel my pain,
I won’t be trapped! No not again!
I fall once more into my nightmare,
Trapped I am now, and will forever stay there.
I’m confused

When I’m with you it’s like my life’s on freeze
But when I’m with him it’s like my whole life’s complete
Seems like I got it figured out
But when I see him I start to have my doubt

Why is it so hard?
Why do I have to choose?
I don’t want to pick
Because I’m afraid to loose

But when I see him
It reminds me of you
But when I look at you
I don’t know what to do?
Oh, Lord knows I’m confused
But I’m afraid I’ll be used.
I Will Always Love You

What is true love?
Not many seems to know,
Does it compare to a beautiful dove?
Don’t you feel aglow?

When I’m with you,
I feel so secure,
Or like a lucky horseshoe.
I’m assured
That you’ll pursue
And yet…

I’ve been hurt,
So many times before.
All the effort,
Is locked away in a drawer.
But I don’t mean to blurt:
That like an archer
You avert
My heart from anger
To comfort…

I’m what they call a dreamer.
I wish on stars, I were not a failure,
While you’re a charmer
So popular and nicer

People murmur
Because were together.
Since I’m a looser,
And you’re a baser
But I really shouldn’t compare…

But I don’t care,
Cos I can say,
Three words that may,
Make people glare,
But I declare…
That you listen hard for you need to be aware…
I shall always love you and that… is rare.
Reality of life

I stand by my window
watching the streets below
the multicolored shadows moving to n fro
some in a rush not to b late
some too slow cos they got time to waste
some hiding behind the walls
smoking deep
some crying loud
cos they got no eyes for those tears to keep
some riding bikes n flying in air
some walking head down
cos they got none to share
sum stretching arms asking for penny
some bunking away waisting money

I turned my head to the other lane
but there too the situation was same
so I closed my window n sat on a mat
pondering on the views I have just had
I was thinking deeply
n suddenly someone called my name
I turned back in vain
it was aunt of mine saying me to go
I had to go cos I was getting late
I dressed myself n stepped out
in the world full of love, jealousy, sadness n hate…

I cant sleep my heart is shattered,
I’m going to replace everything that mattered,
There’s no one in this life to trust,
My cold metal heart is bound to rust,
Everyday is getting old,
What other problems will life unfold?
Take a deep breath of air, fill my lungs with THC,
For a couple hours my stress is free,
I ponder how to improve the situation,
10 steps forward without hesitation,
Everything makes sense, the timing was right,
A step from the past is a tough fight,
Not one tear im proud to say,
My life is just a different shade of gray.
Forbidden Love

She is pure perfection
I want to see us together in the reflection
It’s more than a physical attraction
She drives me to distraction
I just want to be with her
I have given her my heart
I never want us to be apart
I’ve loved her right from the start.
My Heart

If my heart were a guitar, I’d want you to play it.
If my heart were a song, I’d want you to sing it.
If my heart were a blank canvas, I’d want you to paint it.
And alas, if my heart were merely a heart, I’d want you to have it.

When I look up and down the streets,
in this world I dare not speak,
to see the people looking down,
I wonder why they always frown,
just one day I hope I see,
people that are as happy as me.
Piedod saviem ienaidniekiem, bet neaizmirsti viņu vārdus.
Padoms ir tas, ko mēs lūdzam, kad zinām atbildi, bet vēlamies, kaut to nekad nebūtu uzzinājuši.
Vienmēr esmu zinājusi, ka atskatīšanās uz asarām liks smieties, tomēr nekad nebūtu domājusi, ka atmiņas par smiekliem liks raudāt.
Neļauj emociju viļņiem sevi aizskalot.
Labāk justies vientulībā vienam kā sabiedrībā vientuļam.
Ļauj domai dzīvot - izrunā to!

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Mājas lapa kurā vari pilnveidot savas garīgās prasmes, izpratni un sazināties ar saviem pavadoņiem vai eņģeļiem. Mājas lapu ir izveidojuši cilvēki kuri spēj sazināties telepātiski ar Eņģeļiem, nākotnes cilvēkiem kā arī saviem pavadoņiem. Ja vēlies piedalīties kādā no art-of-peace.info mājas lapas rīkotajiem semināriem droši piesakies : Semināru saraksts
Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

Lapa : 326
Atbalsti Eurika labdarības projektus ar ziedojumu, dari to šeit->
Aicinām iegādāties Ziemassvētku apsveikuma kartiņas, aplūkot kartiņas variet šeit.->