Christmas poems
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Poems / Christmas poems

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It is a strange feeling at the end of the year, When the starry sky sieve silver,
then comes out pleasure and suspense in the chest,
what will next year snowstorms send,
It is a strange feeling at that moment,
when years meet for a short while,
As you stand in front of the door,
but thoughts long ago are already in.
When the night comes, the winds shut up in a tree
Comes yard gnomes, they cling hand in hand.
Those pink cheeks, shoulder Gifts
One is dressed in new and one old overcoat.
They nerej dogs, evil eye does not see,
because there comes along - Old and New Year
Laimīte, we mīļumu gives Christmas and candle light that shines!
Laimīte, we poured into the hearts of pleasures and put apertures brilliance!
Laimīte, we send Christmas miracle to come true sapnītis silent!
Laimīte You Come feast itself and a blessing to all of us will be
For the next year all wishes come true,
take the most beautiful string and bound in the nodules:
nodules on every single little person
nodules of good thoughts and commitment,
nodules of what you miss the most,
nodules on. . . Well, you already know better.
For a successful New Year!
Health - strong as a nut!
Fortunately - as sweet as honey!
Love - as a newly picked apples!
Fun - colorful, varied as a star!
Prosperity - as much money as tree needles!
Friendship - sustainable and lemon flavor!
Hope - the fulfillment!
white wonder comes to your house,
As understanding, as a blessing!
Save yourself the white wonder
The whole New Year!
For the New Year without the tribulation of those days,
To happiness through smiles everywhere,
If so just sorrow, smile and go so on
want to make a white world
white snow snow,
And in the white roads
white people go.
And the white people
thoughts are born white.
And the white working days
Celebration is white.
/ I. Ziedonis /
lit a candle tree branch,
Dedze festive flame in your heart,
With forgiveness, understanding,
With the spark of love
And you believe - it is in your power
Bring light to the candles do
The most beautiful thing is that nepārmainās,
This miracle, a miracle thousand-year,
These echoes of a distant call,
This ancient song clear scanning,
This heat, odor laden air.
Whatever words rushed through his lips to say,
Already said this is the most beautiful one,
To open hearts to welcome the holy hour,
centuries, repeated the message would say -
Well, on earth peace, good will toward men!
to light dreams come true
Snow Trails and not misguided.
To star in the heart of the rain falls
And hoped for a true to life.
you\'d like to plug. Let it burn?
Its beautiful i burned down without me. . .
What would spruce. To make it grow?
It slides noaugs s without me.
\'d Like destiny. To favor?
This is all i know without me.
What would you. To be you?
You i endure without me.
What to vote for yourself? You are so lucky!
But to the left off me. . .
with mild snowflakes steps
My thoughts go to you.
Do not close their doors
Do not close your heart up!
Want something briefly
To visit next, then go.
Others do not understand-
They think that snow.
/ A Anitiina /
Santa Claus comes a nice,
All the great friend of children.
Will provide them a gift,
Your Heart is cause for hope.

/ Victor Hare /
Go big steps, Father Christmas,
To shoulder a large bag blamed,
To waiting for their child is not distressed,
he use step Santa Claus.

/ Victor Hare / Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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