this holy night
The sky is falling, the star of the
And our hearts silently
Love road show.
thought of as jewelry
Trees shoulder wrap.
Afraid to kindle a light all around,
Wipe the front line,
Noglāstīt silence cheek
And prosperous peace.
spruce foliage - health,
How eglesmirdzumu - love,
As a light-tree of life.
And ever and it was snowing.
Had frost to minus twenty,
But now a thick fog.
So one all of us left,
At every year again.
We are waiting for holiday miracle
Their best wishes to everyone.
Proud Father Frost came,
Leg loops meta.
As the legs nemētāt -
Trey ali pain!
this evening brightest stars
This evening will be whiter
But brighter than a Christmas tree candles
To thrive in the heart of hope for joy
to Christmas joy
And the Snowball washing,
Everywhere there is to happiness
How sweet gingerbread!
winter blue white
Time to ice cold.
Hey look at the school
Do not be a white nose. . .
Rubbed with the palm
Put benches friend.
And no longer on the cold
Nice clean little while!
mountain is sapūsts white snow,
Time is the true joys of winter.
Wild Animals joyful smiles
Try and gifts are waiting for!
pulled sledges Berry,
And he does it quietly,
In Claus comes back drunk,
And drive to the other side.
Star Rain falls softly
All land begins to shine.
Year turns to the other side
Christmas is coming!
Do you know, Christmas,
How beautiful you are now?
Bright, bright flames
Placed within your hands.
Do you know, Christmas,
As far as we merry hearts?
Thee we sing songs,
You already hear her.
Do you know, Christmas,
Why do we smile?
Same island tētiņu
Today the villages are waiting.
/ D. Rinkule-Zemzare /
What does dwarf the boys
And the girls eyes closed?
Maybe the same fly nap slow
Lonely walk or go?
There is no time to nap or sad,
He does not close the eye:
He is a butterfly net on the roof
Catch a falling star.
dwarf deftly brings happiness,
Bag full to the brim.
And dispersed all accidents
As dust through the air!
Christmas feelings,
Fill the hearts of all,
Castles, cottages! Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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