Jean de Labrijērs
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Poems / Jean de Labrijērs

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Life - it\'s a dream, the old - this is a man who slept more than any other, he starts to wake up only when it\'s time to die.
Time strengthens friendship, weakens and love.
Love starts from love, even the warmest friendship itself is able to have only a very weak counterpart in love.
world view is not sweeter, than a beautiful face, and there is no sweeter music, and loved your voice sounds.
man faithfully guarding another secret than his own. Woman while guarding their secrets more than any other.
most women are not the principle, they obey sirdsbalsij, and his behavior is governed by men, which she loves.
tend to be that the women whose aiļumus is perfect, but the positive qualities - excellent, it touches our hearts that we tīksmināmies the right to look at them and talk to them.
Of all the women think is the most developed imagination.
women is not hard for what they generally do not feel, but for men it\'s even easier to talk about what they feel.
Few women are so full for him because the man would not be forced or even once a day to regret that he has a wife and be happy for those who are not wives. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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