Virtues and vices
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Poems / Virtues and vices

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Do both have found a way in which vice would not want to take?
great responsibility to manage so many people are not lazy obligation. There is nothing more that could discourage nationals from hardship and distress management of their good king, as if he sees the kings at the same time sinking noņemoties or inaction by the cowardly and unnecessary things, or taking care of their own safety and at the same time very little worrying about our own.
No navigator to meet its obligations while in the coast.
greatest prowess in front of death, and even the most natural treatment as it is not only without fear but also without any excitement, maintaining the normal flow of life even in its arms.
prowess is a characteristic that manifests itself only encounter resistance, but stops as soon see that your opponent is under its rule. By contrast, discouragement, fearing to take part in a dangerous battle, but if it wanted to own part of the victory laurels, execute and take additional actions of torture and massacres.
prowess with which we are trying to be proud of it, certain cases can take home as brightly costumed as battle armor, at home or in the battlefield, regardless of whether or not our hand lowered or atvēzēta strike.
win for himself as only one who knows that is beaten not by cunning or by virtue of good fortune, but with courage , face to face, open and fair fight.
We strive for a safe rather than honored after winning, we strive to put an end to more disputes than to honor it.
What makes these times in our dispute over the death of hate, why, where our fathers had any reason to revenge, we are just the beginning, and thus the first steps have already kill, and that it is, if not cowardice? Everyone knows very well that more courage and pride in defeating the enemy is necessary, not to win piebeigšanai and satricināšanai enemy, rather than killing it. All the more so that the desire for revenge results in a better satisfied, because it should not be anything other than make yourself feel the enemy. Here\'s why we neatriebjamies nor animals, nor the feet fallen stone, because they are unable to feel our revenge.
DISASTER is nothing higher than to stand firm when the waves around the crazy world, and honestly perform all of the pager is our duty.
Do not be surprised if the same people who yesterday showed extraordinary courage, feel tomorrow will see to exercise as much cowardice: either anger or a need, or corporation, or drunk wine, or tootle him to have added a courage, not to mind the conclusions of the mood created - it kaldinājuši circumstances, it is no wonder that the other person becomes a different and opposite circumstances.
From a bold action is concluded that the performer is a brave man, because he who is indeed a game, will be the always and under all circumstances. If it was in a permanent expression of courage, not a random occurrence, then this man will be equally safe in all cases, both alone and in other societies, both battles, the battle, because, even though that would say, is one of courage on the street and others have the courage - the battle field. He was just as brave tolerate sickness on his bed as battlefield injuries and his own house not be afraid of death more than a passing attack.
When a man who loses sick of the insults, keep to the weakness of man, fear of bārdziņa knife, however, turns out to staunch enemy sword in front, it is a commendable action, not man.
courage, as well as fear, you can have in our quiver members.
How to help the one who have no stomach for either death or life, who does not want to not resist or flee. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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