Virtues and vices
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Poems / Virtues and vices

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sakists Chastity is a virtue, and its validity is well established, but to teach and impose its reference to nature is as difficult as easy to do, referring to the custom, the laws and ordinances.
The virtues can make immoral if we are following us show it too serious and ardent desire.
If the normal life of happiness is not a virtue, it is away and go without the other and form themselves, totally make his fortune, which is less uncertain and variable. Virtue knows how to be rich, powerful and educated, she is able to sleep in the soft Pelo. It loves life, loves beauty, fame and health. But the main and basic task is to teach sensible to deal with these benefits, as well, losing them, to maintain rigidity, this obligation is more noble than the tough, because without it, everything is changing our lives flow, it becomes cloudy and misshapen, directly threatens us here underwater rocks, thickets, and various monsters.
Our happiness and unhappiness depends only on us. Here\'s how we are to go with their gifts and wishes, rather than fate: it can do nothing for our virtues.
virtue solely based on reputation, then it becomes empty and frivolous.
He who first remarked on the similarity of Fame shadow, said more than he thought. They are both absolutely unnecessary.
be patient if the pain we can not quite suppress, at least to reduce, and to suffer as well as our bodies, we can save the soul and the spirit of toughness.
Severe pain is usually temporary, but if they are long, they are mild.
Pain sentences makes it very difficult for us is that we are not accustomed to the main draw satisfaction soul and do not pay it enough attention, although it is our attitude and behavior of an unlimited being. Our body, apart from the different extremes, is characterized by the same direction and formation. The soul is able to change in various forms and apply for themselves and their condition, whatever it may be, the body senses and all other effects. However, the need to study and study and to awaken the hidden panacea. There is no argument, no statement that would be able to face their addiction and choice. From the thousands of road that has at its disposal, it will award its progress to ensure our peace and security, we not only will avoid abuse, but also, if it pleased, we harm and tribulations will seem even nice and flattering.
our suffering and pleasure strengthens our mental acuity.
The pain is like the precious stones, which adopted a lighter or darker shades depending on the framework in which we are posted, and the pain takes our whole being as much space as we shall be given.
Bent and pressed body has less strength to withstand the burden, it is also true of our souls: the need to straighten and lift to be able to face the enemy.
We each have our precious existence, but the existence of a motion and action. Therefore we all yourself some extent, invest in their performance. The one who does good, wonderful and honorable act, one who takes such action - only relevant, but much less useful than the noble attract love. The road is firm and unshakable, it gives your executor permanent satisfaction. Valid easy to slip away and disappear, it does not leave such a warm and tender memories. We appreciate the above things we paid expensive, and it is more difficult to give than to receive.
inability to influence events, I was influencing yourself, if they do not apply to me, I put them.
any conviction can be strong enough to their defense, make the game of life.
tolerance and time can be much stronger than any other means of coercion. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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