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Poems /

Page : 6
once extinguished all fires,
Once each flower sad wilt,
What moment of happy hands hold -
Are you someone loves or hates.

This will be where your heart is, the new
Ever came on so fast,
Well no longer good and evil,
The life line is necessary to rely throb.
[ ]
Are you afraid or fear:
Your eyes will become dark.
[ ]
Then a green needle tracks
The first will take forever,
And the grave of mountain pine
Next in heaven.
[ ]
turned my head away from the eyes of the world
and allowing silence for a moment,
when you here and now of the world in
to star opposite me shine.
[ ]
gathered veļiem,
And now - where the homeland -
By long autumn road
Comes in your soul.
[ ]
man as a star is born,
The man starts to glow like a star,
And man as the star dies.
[ ]
Not death, but not a continuation ...
It is also for you. This is for all of us.
[ ]
can not, however, as
Not colorful dream or a fairy tale.
When the earth will last supper -
Are we ready
the resurrection?
[ ]
Everything you were, that alone could have been.
Millions of years long jungle your life.
Millions of years of fire occur.
Without APRIME aplaini green
no APRIME alpaini svilst.
[ ]
one end of the circle closes - start
One gets a handful of all tangible
Our vacuum uniqueness of life:
Sand. Foam. False lights.
[ ]
that I went next?
Where do you suddenly disappeared it?
There is no forest, sunset, not trails.
There is no ground. Heaven. Nothing.
[ ]
darken. Fall starting the first December snow
My feet in snow and sand sinking
Consequently, knees, neck, over his head.
[ ]
This is the moment,
pārkāpjams the horizon becomes
Land shrinking mazmaza
to the vast spaces of the universe,
And you do not hold anymore
injury severity shameful captivity.
You\'ve got wings at the shoulders
and the angel easy as breathing.
[ ]
sirmais peace you will fall over the sluggish
Land and you sound cool hand,
You will go up on everything
What is not returned hid himself,
We will remain just that,
by nine.
[ ]
Green summer sun died
Harping rained tears of the sun.
Zelio fell on the grave of summer
Sun perch - gold leaf.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 6

Poems /

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