gray trembling aspen leaves
About us
My zeltenīt. Gray leaves
Tremble around us.
Pale debesjums ...
Singing funeral songs severe winds
Around us.
Come a long, gray days.
Comes timeless, black nights
White frost in our souls
As the storm nobraucīti birches,
And sorrow ...
Do you?
Do not cry, favorite:
Since it
Will go and never cease to nepārnākšu ...
turns towards autumn day,
Aizlijusi, pelēkruda.
As the raindrops fall
Heart with grief talking.
crabapple his grim life gained strength,
In the heart of their homeland had its crabapple,
And I listened to the morning glow over Druvu:
Is called torque constant praise life.
ark will burn white meadowsweet,
To be pure linauta rye bread;
And the earth will say a silent thank you -
For the Trust. For the Trust.
Of all the hands that caressed,
What memory warmth weaving,
His father\'s hand as I recall,
Which smells of rye grains.
I am staring in the tale of the blue lakes.
I have looked upon the people, finally I realized quiet:
Each srdī is TĀLES as blue lakes,
They can darken or apsniegt,
But never lose ...
šūpļ\'a song to call the funeral,
From white birch and spruce green
Former \'two holiness: Work and Love.
\'s not white, white life,
Who is not at all pale shadow;
There are so few good days,
What is brought to life with a white sun
Conscience of the mother\'s side.
Valodzes grūsidību, road clarity
Flower and unhurried pleasure,
You\'ll finally understand me,
But only after my
those who come after me,
Leave grīšļainā vālā
Find wild honey
Do not exceed, medpilnas jars.
You tired, sound kāpdams hill,
You are tired of walking baltābola meadows
You are tired of gardens, speaking to the birds.
When finally piekusīsi - echoes still alive.
one love -
Aizskanēt over the life of another,
There are so one love -
Couples grow over your lifetime.
Paklusēsim for some time,
Before the dew disappears from roadside stone,
Moments as vīfriežu white pollen falling,
Everything you need to say
Pāspēsim tomorrow or day after tomorrow aizparīt.
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