The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

Page : 6
outline thoughts on paper! All professional managers think with a pen in hand.
Selecting a team, the best law reads:\'\' assumed slowly Drove fast!\'\'
spitfire decisions almost without exception, are worthless. Take your time!
Once established goal, think and speak only as\'\'?\'\' terms.
handwritten employee choice always pays off. Hire a only those who really want this job!
adoption of a new employee, you are completely selfish. Choose only the nice, new people who want to see in our vicinity.
obstacles appear when you take away your eyes from the target.
potential employee before the interview write a clear and detailed description of the ideal candidate.
Attitude and personality are as important as experience and ability. Make a smart choice!
The only real new employee is a predictor of future success of his previous work. Carefully review the recommendations
Praise is a powerful personality of the creator. Be aware if someone is right!
I\'\' six honorable men serving
(From them I learned everything I);
Them on behalf of One
And Why and When,
And How and Where and Who. \'\'
man constantly hear feedback about their work, to know how he works or anchored.
The world is a major contributor to apathy do not know what is waiting on you.
Today, two main sources of value have the time and knowledge. Each day looking for new ways to put their best Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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