The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

Page : 17
Leaders are far-sighted thinkers. Before you do, they consider all the consequences which may arise from that action.
now owe the biggest achievements in your life? Research and then do it or use it more often!
The future belongs to the professionals. Be good, getting better, you may become the best!
Imagine that your company burns down to the ground, you come upon a street and you are forced to start over again. What would you do differently?
circumstances change, do not think a long time! Receipt of new information, adopt new decisions
Optimism over all other characteristics associated with success and happiness.
workplace is constantly working on! Nelaiskojies and be an example for others!
considerable success usually is adjusted, a moment of surprise and concentration. This also applies to business.
Speed ​​is one of the most important managerial skills.
The Contractor shall, whenever the opportunity arises, be able to act quickly.
Freedom is as big as your choice. Constantly looking for alternative courses of action
Whatever the problem, before Grab it here, all in hard copy.
Before dealing with the study of all possible causes.
chosen solution quality will be directly proportional to the quantity of the solution under consideration.
When God wants to send a gift to man, he ietīsta the problem. The larger the gift, the greater the problem. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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