The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

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Strategy creation is ultimately customer planning.
courage of the first characteristic is the willingness to do anything without a guarantee. Second - the ability to withstand, without seeing success.
regularly move your brain! Express your goal in form and write 20 response
\'\' professional\'\' required by law, says:\'\' An important job will always be time. \'\'
incompetent employees undermines your reputation and damage your future.
Always think about the role is particularly important and that is not. Not a mistake!
Redundancy is one of the key driving duties. The man who kept the work of weak employees, the same is required.
If you are not lit the flame of enthusiasm, you will be chased away with enthusiasm.
Be prepared to recognize the unfortunate choice - 33 percent of employees do not pass the test.
Leaders firmly but fairly and decisively when a subordinate in the workplace just killed my time.
leader in the business climate. Virtue is always comes from above.
Leaders are strategic thinkers. They see the big picture.
Leaders are innovative entrepreneurs who are able to see into the future. The main attention they paid to the task.
Leaders have to conjure up the customer service.
Leaders do not know the word\'\' failure\'\'. Failures they perceive to be a learning experience. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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