The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

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era of rapid change are the most dangerous place to stand.
Any addition to the truth something of kidnap.
decrepitude is often inappropriately used force. Moves from one engagement to another
If you have a talented staff with special abilities, creating a new job!
Avoid comfort zone with poor performance! Bring the bar ever higher!
Learn to drive, walking around and will get fresh news and reviews!
Your success depends on how skillfully and sincerely listen to each person who will give you details.
Even one irresponsible employee of your company can be a serious source of concern.
If necessary, you\'re ready to modify task or change its performers
dream - imagine that all you can! What would you do differently?
never surrender zemākstāvošam staff important tasks, and vice versa! Does not allow for the tasks to be returned back to you!
Leaders are demanding task management and insists that the work is carried out.
Decide which is the main purpose of your life, and then arranged around it all my activities!
Leaders assume full responsibility for every situation.
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