The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

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crisis is inevitable. Most importantly - how to cope when they feels.
Intellectual capital is the most valuable of all inputs.
Never forget to foresee the crisis! Think that might go wrong and then treat it nodrošinies
In order to succeed in their profession, the least you can do is to constantly learn.
Think! Not a problem any non persistent strength of mind
three main pillars: sensitivity, care and kindness. Be courteous to all,
people do not, but allow it to get to know yourself.
oath value is paid to you for keeping the name.
leader thinks and speaks at a high level, that is to say, he is the best.
What would be your next work? What additional knowledge and skills you would need to work perfectly in the new position?
people who do not think about the future, one can not even be.
Your weakest skill marks the peak, from which you use all the rest.
Learn computer skills! Use technology to leverage your strength!
The best way to look at the future is to build it.
with what you brought to this country, enough to also hold here. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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