, which by its nature is powerless, unable to understand anything that is final. Saturiņicīts>
That is our nature inherent vice - the invisible, hidden and unknown things caused us both more confidence and more fear. Saturiņicīts>
If it wants to keep, perform over the edges,
It will not remain.
If what is used every day, accelerated excessively sharp,
It will soon be sadeldēts.
In the large room with gold and precious stones shall be met
It nenosargās it.
Which, being a noble and rich, yet permits lordly become
This affliction is preparing itself.
If the task done, the doer step aside,
Then Tao is manifested.
Only God is capable of doing so - have taken back what is being done. Saturiņicīts>
who enjoys pushing for excesses, could not indulge in excesses are already suffering. Saturiņicīts>
ambition and curiosity is the driving force behind two of our souls. Latter requires us to shove his nose everywhere, but the first does not allow anything left open and undetermined. Saturiņicīts>
They say: A good name worth more than gold filled belt. However, those who have good fame, not wealth, but now I see that those who have wealth, there is no shortage of good fame. Saturiņicīts>
and we see that our nature does not require anything other than the one to suffer pain in the body and the soul to enjoy peace, being protected from the worries and fears?
Thoughts every day for the last, which doomed you, and you will be loving every minute, to which you have not hoped for.
Looking at the globe, or rather, to the ball, is bothering me the idea that God has betrayed an evil creature\'s power. Saturiņicīts>
Do not call himself a philosopher, and being among the common people, do not talk much about the philosophy of education, - acted in accordance with these teachings.
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