True friendship, honor
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Poems / True friendship, honor

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desire to be honest is already in court proceedings goodness. Known as well in? Fully reached, independent people with no power, no need not to make the wicked.
If the action is controversial, it shows an unbalanced soul.
What is a friend, that love, but that love is not always a friend. So always make a good friendship, love and sometimes detrimental.
The people we love, we enjoy the presence, but it is superficial and fleeting: see, to be together, consort - that is the joy of life, especially if you see not only what you want, but they also as a you want.
Wish variability suggests that the soul is adrift, and appears here in one, there another place where the wind will bring. Having a strong foundation in place it does not change.
envy people find themselves constantly changing, and some are destroyed, others are falling. Happiness - it is the anxious, the trenkā itself, daždažādi worried about our minds. It all makes for something to chase some out - for power, others - for luxury, one it makes conceited, others - effeminate, but condemns all.
cheat creditors is less shame than at ¬ Vilt good hope. To repay the debt, the trader needs a successful sea voyage, farmers - the land of fertility and grace of heaven, but he can erase your debt with good will alone. Although he generally collect wealth, he will stand up for their property and if an isolated incident deprived of his share of the property, or even all, so he will not become smaller.
Nothing in this world is not destroyed, but everything alternately sinking and rising. Summer gone, but next year will bring it back, the end of winter ¬ sies, but the months to re-transferred; sun nomākusi night, but it immediately aizgaiņās day. Stars in their course of repeated walked in the way: one part of a rise in the sky, fly down the other.
would be a huge shame if the mind could not give us the peace of mind gives a disadvantage.
all ages, doing honor to engage in science, does not in any honor to be taught. If the old man learns ABC\'s, it is shameful and ridiculous: youth must acquire, at the age of use. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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