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Poems / For philosophers

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What izdziedēšanai self-dealing by
philosophy, it becomes a huge spirit, full of expectation,
nepieveicams and the higher, the closer he
arrives. As it happens with big mountains, which
height at a distance less sticking in the eyes, and only
arrives closer, it becomes clear just how high column
peaks - this is also true philosopher, the real work, not tricks.
He did not lead up shoes with thick soles, walking on tiptoe as the people who make false his stately stature, because they want to seem taller than it is: he was satisfied with his own body.
He stands up for human and all conditions are equal, or his life would take a positive or toss on the waves of hate.
Only a well-maintained life, that it is very much appreciated.
thirst is not part of it along, in a pan and how
tended hand fed water. If deemed significant,
the curly boy is and how bright the cup, which
he provides, then you do not want to drink.
World Creator, we determined the laws of life, ensuring that, so we have a safe and sound, not spoiled. Health, everything is ready and at hand, all the magnificence are taken care of with ease and
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