Latvian poems
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Poems / Latvian poems

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My body from the sea - salty tears and blood.
I thought from the sea - more and more tempted.
My power from the sea - there is no heavy burden
My disability causes - neaizbēg from a safe shore.
My loneliness causes - which have known how sad silence?
My restless mind: polished wave can not rest.
My tenderness and dream - the celestial horizon included,
My hot recklessness - singing aukai surrenders.
My curiosity leads - called the unseen side.
My thirst - neatdzeras, all currents drunk.
Bow my knees in front of the sea: in you know my mother -
Teach the way I still Nava: Deep peace majesty!

World vagabond
IETA stalled while fun -
bring you
Pointed heels.
They samin so happy hearts.

Stop, vagabond, padziedi song
Song of the Syrian desert glow,
song of the Japanese flowering cherry trees,
song of storms at sea,
nava at home with your heart, not the same,
Little girl,
who sold themselves for pieces of bread
cruel and groans of the chest.
Stories of the sea
waves yet secured ashore
carrying on his shoulders
broken vessels, and a new tribe of people,
hardened thy spicy caress,
strong and proud
as a rock.

The eternal vagabond
stoppage time
padziedi and their wonderful songs!


My son, you go out today,
Sky over you bigness,
On the four sides of the wind aukā
Stands dull and non-transparent to you.

In the morning will shine red rays,
There staircase leads up to Auseklis.
Go through them all proud spirits
With a bright torch lights.

Resonates from the north winds, a cold
Ice with sharp whips,
And while you will get white hair,
Every day, go through them.

But in the south - there saulesgoze,
There\'s the tenderness of love, kiss and caress,
However, no and no matter how painting a rose,
It, along with a thorn, open vāzts.

To the West go all the roads,
There, the idea of ​​maturity, all the way
There\'s black and white, late night,
You stay, life is more urgent.

Since all four debesmalas
You have to go through every day,
And no brīnumsalas,
Where the sun never sets.

you go out today through a long way
Behind you remain friends huddle.
Solar air cuts swath of gold,
You nods every flower, every tree branch.

You go to the mountain easy step
You travel the song birds sing,
Brook virpuļodams kiss oli -
Nowhere you sad nenovied.

Wind your hair apart and caresses,
As ever mother separated them,
And you for the great job telling
Waiting to be life-crossroad.

You\'re on the forest, cut his track,
You have a new ax and the blade axis,
And roaring bear looking nest,
Since Lāčplēsis have felt it.

To you it always goes through
In this life, defeating the whole,
And his head full of thoughts swarm,
High tilting toward the sun!

Let thy heart, where so many feel
Love this land nenobeidz
And the world you will always be
Like a flower, which opens for the first time!

Watery mist window. What to deny there is not worth it!
Only you, I am loved.
In a strange juice your lips you dip,
That they are glowing red with such a breath?

Where Boulevard steaming, you met once
And no I do not know peace for a moment,
On the corner, where a beggar asking for money themselves crooked,
My catfish soon long as horses.

Is it day or night, to wander the streets alone,
Pull leaves from trees and hope
That one of them will be your kiss or your hair,
But - I empty the drains BERU.
Where are you, my friend?. . . Does it glow, which melts
I am the lonely cloud on his face?. . .
Or from you to me as long as this, which breaks
My hot and excited to poetry?

Watery mist window. What to deny there is not worth it!
Only you, I am loved.
I guess my blood you dip your lips,
That they burn with less red breath?. . .

Along a small country road w

We narrow the oven overnight along the straw screed.
In the morning cēlāmies and stingy bread Don
around the table below vērāmies fishing huts beams
and hid her tears. We were all refugees.
We had an expensive property, already half lost,
destroyed without fault, without sin, specially selected:
country, our Latvia! We uzbārstījām salt
on a hard crust and roasting tough Swedes,
and the birds were waiting to transfer us over
the course of peaceful Liedaga ares.
Through the kvēpainā smoke came through the door,
wind, snow dzenādams, sputtered along through the roof,
and sometimes sobs shook the forest ends,
the already strange tale engraved guns.

Then everyone heads regulations on their hands
And silently prayed for his people torment.

At night you make go to Bird Road,
In a different way than the rivers, tundra, taiga,
Where dzenājot page, as the winds walk freely,
And their anger here the sun not set.

Oh, all hope is worth a closed door,
And longer life to fall to the uncanny silence,
Through which the characters wander the shadows to face with death,
It seems that - they are home with veļiem in one place.

But sparkles wildly Way! And a blue belt over -
Rau - wild geese gliding, and anxiety in full voice
As a perfume - makes freedom-loving chest pull.

And yet - this is rather a morning in the snow and frost,
And only the wings - they have flashed the world\'s space;
Dreaming of you, wood soul in your breath.
ANY who love

He spoke to you, says: - Dear! -
This word is profound.
But listen deeper -
Do you hear him say your heart:
- My friend and scared! -
When you are walking beside?
Or he would say:
I love you. Also, your hair snow
Turns and wrinkles on your face
I love the gentle patience
And your view of our children\'s eyes. -

Maybe he is so beautiful nepasacīs,
But both will feel the silence,
As such, your love. Then there will be good.

I nenovēliet fortunately mild,
We not need a fortune.
Modesty is not laughing ponds -
I vēliet happiness that is hard.
What empty hearts disagree,
What mattered not feel,
Who thought in flames dzedras throw,
Rokjām would be deprived of the helpless.

This happiness just do not see themselves
Neiesnaužas and aloof in the corner -
It gives as much as the other nine,
How to hammer DIMD life roost.

This happiness, true and harsh,
Cowardly and tends to pass by,
It is difficult battles, life\'s work
And the pain can be found.

Give yourself an easy fortune nevēlēsimies
Not the next few years, not now,
But we can get a new heart
With luck, which seems difficult.

new truth is nothing more dangerous than the old deceptions. A new reality is nothing more dangerous than the old deceptions.
Only fools and dead never change their mind. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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