Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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Freedom is bitter: first of all, it reveals how much his lack of ties with the world.
He was missing between human attitudes
weight of the braid process, lack of tears, good-bye,
critique of fun - everything that a man with
every subtle movement or gentle eats away.
[ ]
horizon against which the rushing towards planet, extinguished one after another - the insects lose their color,
captured the dough into the trap of the palm. However, the TOC in the
these horizons tended, nevadīja illusion game. We nepievīlāmies, traukdamies after discovery. Like not fail \"Thousand and
One Nights\' Sultan, who drove the foot so intangible benefits, that beautiful prisoner to another
after another died away in his hands, the fingers just
sense of touch lost their wings
[ ]
I am a man who rakņājas ashes, -
a man who has gone out trying to find a fireplace
life aglow coal.
Saritinājies ball, gulēšu until dawn. I am happy that I can fall asleep. Fatigue
wrapped me in the presence of so many. I am not
one in the desert, my slumber is full of votes,
memory and confession whisper. Thirst still do not feel I have a good night\'s sleep I let the affair.
Truth is found in front of a dream.
[ ]
Since then, drank the dregs of tin scoop, drain the last drop, I
started to slide down the slope. What can I do if
Time swept me away like a river?
[ ]
I can not watch with folded hands
Wipe! Every moment of silence in the death of them, which I
[ ]
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Poems /

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