Happy life
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Poems / Happy life

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divine mind stands above all and most
not subject to any other person, and it also has
with ours, as it comes.
happy life based solely on the mind in us to be fully developed.
Happy is the one which does not make anything less, he remains the top and relies solely on himself, because that keeps with the help of another, it may fall.
What is a happy life? Safety and persistent
peace of mind. It gives us the spirit of the size and
strong attachment to it, it recognized as correct.
soul, which is nothing difficult, can be freely
look at the universe, and nothing that is not diverted from
unreasonable part of the soul has two sides. One of them is brave, vanity and unrestrained passions, and subject to the other - low and weak and pleasure in captivity.
of happiness to the highest happiness is less
than the distance from the accident to happiness.
life is both pleasant and the unpleasant, but
both of which are outside of us.
trouble burden of people pressed up nelaimīgumam, and a pleasant lack of chance nenogrūdīs their heights.
Wealth is not where it accumulates: the soul is filled, not the cash drawer.
No one is free to have their own personal slave.
Nothing, which is undermining virtue, then nothing
deprived, it does not become less, but only less
shine. Accidents, damage and abuse against
virtues can as much as the mist toward the sun.
Reverend is justice, reverence, loyalty,
prowess, prudence, while the low value
is often abundant, and in being the least-
the most valuable people: a strong, healthy legs
and hands, strong teeth.
Mind gods and humans have in common: God is perfect, we - and capable of perfection.
Our soul is able to include a lot, it gets to God, if it does not inhibit the vices.

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