Good and evil
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Poems / Good and evil

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How much do we think and how easily can the
its discretion to give up everything and do not feel the lack, if
it deprives us ever need.
sarkst poor cart, it dižosies with
Not having decided that he owns any
thing, it also will not name any word: the
belongs to somebody else, so is he himself. Drawer
worth as much as it is, but she is just a supplement to what it is.
Do not recognize the benefit of insensitivity
pain: it is the cicada, also have fleas. Even the peace
and freedom from worries would not recognize the benefits:
with even greater peace than a worm?
no moral, as well as from the evil
there is no good in the moral and right is one
and the same.
Where is the highest good home? The soul. If it is not pure, undefiled, God can not accept it.
wise man will prefer to live in peace, rather than
battles. There is no great benefit from the fact that the gaps are discarded if there is a fight with strangers.
path to social status, the top is uneven, but if you want to climb the top of which
pakļāvies the same fate, then all those assessed as
visdižākais, will be seen at their feet. In other
words - it has reached the top, run the gamut is even, because it was a philosophical way.
Wealth makes people vain, provide the
his fury, apmāj his mind so that
language of his money, even though he hurt,
however, delighted with him.
creates confidence, wealth - boldness, a spirit of good size, wealth - self-confidence, but it is nothing but a deceptive size šķitums.
With many spaces do not fill: the wealth of existing in many forms, not much non-existent.
poor is not the one who owns a little, but it
having more than not.
If we can speak more bravely, if not able to -
at least openly!
powerless man of God is fearlessness!
Philosophy of incredible power to break any chance I can. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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