Klavs Elsbergs poems
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Poems / Klavs Elsbergs poems

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DEATH is on the way to you

Death is on its way to you
death is released
and on the way to you

Since you were born
spring is trying to justify
Death is on its way to you

I stand in my dreams
with a glowing sword
death means to you
a scene

on ice bare thighs
ride two fatigue
one locīdamies howl
and the second feed dog

frost and cold clutches
Brake and around three
all trees are frost
and the sun in the sky

gets up and comes back and
First Fatigue
and the second in his footsteps
and behind them the dog
December concert lacrimal gland

Court will not, you\'re still en route,
I stand in line at the cash register,
nozilējušu tongue
Chicken uzpīpēt ask

Izmuldēts will quickly \"Concorde\"
boating you from Hong Kong.
All still lying in the manger, earns some burn pink.
West Slap the ball Malta random gates.

We enthusiastically beating the drum,
sound of it autotaures and whistles.
Concerts will take place in Riga and Liepaja,
Alsunga, Talsi and Zilupe.

Dawn pale and dead face.
Of the latter, pubs throw out,
a little bit of poison is pipetted
my drinking bowl.

Poison is a bit of morning newspapers,
streets is not light.
Noraudājušies trees standing
monstrous and placed in cold

mirrors the grand hall,
where people sarkst and Bale.
But calm I can go to school,
bitten by the teeth and silently scream.

Gloomy mist and twilight
ears sounds sad Let It Be,
I whisper, I\'m pretty SMAC.
Give me John Lennon\'s eyes.

Again, find a sunny sky
Again, they lost
Hair on my paper
Struggling with strong winds
And bent
Go softly softly
Tired and desperate

Says rain from the sky I nelīstu silly name it

I lejos
I am giving up his head and I hear: I laugh
Rain and wind and mud to the knees
There is on my desk

And my god there is one abstract that the whole world there is

I have some mud brienami with you

Ievedīsim Pan to multiply in the Latvian forests
Curtain falls sky grow dark
Pan live in the Latvian forests
with a refreshing joy
I will come to you
with a touch of rope
when your land nelīst

the tree branches are dry
As the sun sleeping sun
and atmospheric crackle
panicle at your hearing

you to turn on your radio
and hearing the rain
and both have also with you
the wind will carry me

I Lisu I bungošu pages
and ran over sharp trunks
small thimbleful moisture
embedded museum trunks

will never be the death
they bellow and warts land
it gallops along your window
Apvīlē nails to neķeras her stockinged feet
When evening comes on top and she sits in front of you,
Listening, and good that she smokes,
When it closes the eyes and lazily eating the apple.

Stand up, remove the fetus from her hands,
To your hand soothing the claw becomes
To make more irons between your fingers bends
To leaned steel hooks, crane chains to lack.

Conveyor and quietly along the closed eyes going to slide,
As her skin is mild but you obstinacy bodies pressed together.
what if I ask
where would you let go
just fly Sapnisi
congregate in one place

very small bass
red from the cold and stiff
a little bit more caring you
completely different life
Dive, hear Solus

Dolphin floating island
long and warm sea
swim and dive, and playing
swim and dive and die

ai our warm depths
Flashing yellow lights housing
lights across the bay
ecstasy shines above his head

I am close to thee income
delfīniņ Floating Island
swim and dive, and playing
swim and dive and die

stops and waves
Letters beach pebbles
part of me with you Go
Dive hear steps
poppet, came into my cell,
you\'ll see why I\'m so different -
the eternal fatigue and fear
a warm blanket and a few books.

- I am in you as a climber descended into hell.
Beauty, why do you face gray
sabeigtas hands and lap?
This still is not more real sorrow leu,
occasionally there any word poetry.

- Powered pain in the Swedish king on skis.

That summer was a staunch air
Urgent pine

Everything just horrible everything just beautiful
Two-reaching distance rail

Dove in front of a mixture of two
White roses we threw down the road

I was so happy about it as you are smiling
It had much more than I expected

Two pine trees against the storm passes
Two pine trees so go and sing

Everything has been a boon that has already been
But the best is still running

On the sunny trail passes two cows
It first had bovis and the second will be Jovis

I am not afraid that you will not fathom
I know how good you all will know how to

You wake up early morning in the ears
I dusēšu blanket up to his ears Tiit

Outside vidžinās small birds
They will be my trustees and ambassadors

And if still distant Bell Tolls
It\'ll be a devoted and will no longer be my

We will not will not will not be old
Outside the time your dear shoulders

We welcome a wide blockbuster
Called \"Your life and mine\"
Keipene - LĪGATNE, 42 CFR

I\'m going. And one alive.
I go in your future.
What resonates with you, Black Forest?
What do you say, bosom?

Where it is. Where is it going to be.
Steps kilometers.
Where it is. Where is it going to be.
Together we are far from united.

Hear. I do not see. I do not feel anything.
How do I know where you live,
Do you want me at all?
Life does not teach anything.

I am coming. I am coming.
One of the world.
Nedzen not. Nedzen away.
Because of the prom has come to me.

How can a man. Long runs.
How can your mouth. Keep closed.
That\'s all.
It seems to me.
who own the eyepiece back in the corner
where path will lead me to where I am going
the opposite
his life for me and shoulders
two-door cabinet
sits quietly in the corner crying
Snows in the world in my cabin
world in my cabin stove
and there are guns in the oven

if someone had wandered into my world
then let him go in the cabin
then let him warm the water cup
drink tea and uzpīpo
And that night through a field blanda,
The mother did not tell,
I still do not know if had a grief, or high, where they

Two equally strong in the heart of the rock pile
My pace klibojoša, head hurts and your eyes can not see
In lessons.

Of course, the only thoughts go in the night
My heart is filled - then go for the morning, half in a dream
If I come out very late from home
If the house is burning light bulb without false
If the night to raise their tails jāņtārps
If I come out very late from home

Too late in time to drop his eyes everywhere
Too tired to pray to raise
Too stupid to know the number of output
Too late in time to drop his eyes everywhere

No man in the streets is not no hot head
Nobody does not intend to lift off my back
No one knows the remnants of the now will be
No man in the streets is not no hot head

Then go screaming hamster pet shop
Then I will put in place the old man will be
Then suddenly a good sagribas then be a different
Then go to pet shop desperately screaming hamster

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