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Sen, a man would have hit the world, if a woman is to him the permit.
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whole world and everything in it is beautiful, but the most beautiful in the world is a kind woman.
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Pick a woman so high, while you can reach.
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woman is similar to the thesis: it needs defending.
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woman\'s life is always needed help - a man.
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middle-aged woman is a wonderful sensuality, experience and a mix of gratitude, which must be added a bit of fear of loneliness.
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. . . women in the highest degree the ability to read hidden thoughts of facial mimicry.
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woman feels and speaks timid heart instinct - there lies his infallibility. Only a woman knows how to tell time gentle and deep words. Tenderness and depth - there\'s a whole
woman, there\'s a whole sky.
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Women to watch other difficulties than men: they are obstacles to something real and physical, while for men it seems abstract and elusive. Men always say: - There\'s nothing
will come. - Women will never speak. Her acting and it finds out or coming out or will come.
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Women apparently created restraining men.
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Maybe it is the role of women in history: effects on man\'s irrepressible anxiety as a brake on.
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women gripped in his hands common tasks, they are also carried out without a specific intent of using it. They mobilized their pride to be more conscientious in detail, more accurate than men.
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on gender relations is based on the human spirit most magnificent ornament - poetry. genuine poetry can not link the human limitations.
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single women should never look for the ideal man - a man she will find it easier.
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earn the favor of women who know how they really appreciate.
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