Wreathe together lives tissues,
With golden flowers,
As today for all lifetime,
Hand with hand walk together!
May wedding day throughout year,
Would you be my dear?
May joyful road always open,
Life with dreams never broken,
Relationships left unspoken,
Future and past never last.
Will love the smell bitter and sweet, and ever will be a sharp words jaapvalda. But the key to not run out of bread you to your table, order, smelled, or eating together, it still is sweet!
The white keep himself in the hearts of the day - today it is like a flower just scalded. To this day you through the ever-rays to the whole life of you as a bright and sunny morning!
Long life to live, wearing a ring of happiness to the mother not to wilt, protecting your happiness
Blood and sing along laughs, the bread on the Lips party is divided. You and graying for example next to go where the sea side of amber!
And we both have one cup, one life, one morning, one evening, and one loaf of bread!
It's not easy to build a life together, two trails one trail tie;'s not easy to build a life together, however, two of something better to go!
For the sun is not set, walking along roads. Not run out of sweet words, living all his life.
Consistent two wine glasses, two ring Consistent. It is consistent to your life, living all his life!
Come with me to land art, Come with me to eat bread, flowers to plant and wait for their children. Come with me grief enchant, Total wake up, get tired together. Come with me - I am with you.
Life is not an easy road or trail. Every moment of happiness has its own bitterness present. Wind during the walk next to each other you can walk all the way!
There is nothing greater, nothing more holy, when assembled sky blossom And there in the middle of your love comes. You white soul beneath her feet paklājiet!
Love all the living air, Love the wind that glides across the countryside, Love your work friends, life, love saaudzējiet as a beautiful flower to.
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