Karlis Ulmanis
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Poems / Karlis Ulmanis

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how close the person\'s ties to the homeland and the people, if he himself raise a strong love for his parents, older homes, land, farms, if rooted in her sweet, noble and loving memories of their childhood, their parents and parents\' house!
is still your own fault if you\'re left pusizglītots, you should not seem to rest until you had not been fully master of your work.
family is reserved, the way, do it better because of this healthy families be comprised of healthy people. The place where children receive the first guide of life, a house, only coming school and youth organizations.
My own corner of the earth, although so small, deters people back home. Vernacular love associated with smell, which is emitted from the earth, which sticks to the bitter sweat.
Even the best brains can be forced to give in front of indecision.
work is a struggle.
It is easier to criticize than to work a job.
Each man\'s true wealth is his work. While you\'re in the doer, so you are not afraid of nothing and are not afraid. Even with the money you can easily handle, but just work and work to make you need.
You have two strong hands - used both of them.
greatest ability to delight without flame and heat may be the most beautiful hopes leave in shame.
Earth does not require that the language of the plowman speaking: land required for the plowman love it.
earth work and foundation of our prosperity.
eagle, which is his ultimate goal - and izbrīnējies he will respond with quiet suffering. But each chicken kladzina your own hours, and sparrows all the fences on his own, čirkst.
with good intentions can not pay any bills.
of weed seeds and small grains of gold ears never will come.

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