Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Poems / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Everything would be fine if every job could be done twice.
while we are young, helpful and illusion, just do not carry them with you until old age.
Not everything done by a great master, has done great.
Even a major talent by even higher.
Each artist must be enclosed asniņam courage, without which there can be no talent.
great artists are often unable to judge, not on its own or other works of art.
only normal people feel comfortable enough. Even unpleasant, if we have already got used to it, we feel the loss when it has gone past.
fact that acceptance of pure experience and acts according to it, has come close enough to the truth.
sees only what is not love, so to read them, must itself suppress love, but only so much, for this purpose need to Vik.
matter in your eyes see any, the content found in possession of it, who are dealing with it, form the majority remains a mystery.
entire history of the church - a mixture of deceit and violence.
Do not put such a proposal, which could not accept.
Give people the purpose for which worth living, and he will survive in any situation.
What time are thinking, do not always find the best solution.
If you want to get rid of the truth, it will be swallowed up by the words. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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