Jānīts rode throughout the year,
Well tonight renewal;
Rībēj \'land atjājot,
Scanning \'spurs jumps.
a horse
As well, our Janice:
Bear\'s hair, pulled hair,
Wreath mundrumiņš.
luxurious, luxurious Jānīts rode
Appušķotu kumeliņu;
Luxurious sing us\' sister,
Laistīdama rose garden.
black bulls, white horns,
Daugava Niedras ate;
They were not black oxen,
They were John kumeliņ \'.
Jan nokusuši horses,
A long way tecēdami:
Rige ate brokastiņu,
Pilsbergaje dinner.
Jānīts your kumeliņu
Jurin bathed,
Sat on the hill itself,
Gold reins hand.
What shone, sparkled in
High mountain tip?
Jānīts kala kumeliņu
With silver horseshoes.
Oh, Janita, the Son of God,
Your high Kumeliņš:
Through the woods shining spurs,
Forest ends of the hat.
Jānīts rode on Midsummer\'s Night
Skewbald kumeliņu,
With silver droplets,
Zeltotiem bridle.
Janice was the same or,
Or given as a gift from God?
Janita rode spring
Pluskataiņu Kumeliņš \'.
Fuck, Janita, Midsummer\'s Night
Pretty slick, stroke.
Jurgis rode the night Let the Right One
Pinkulainu kumeliņu;
John rode on Midsummer\'s Night
Kumeliņu splendid funeral.
Slowly, slowly I adore traveling
On the hill Lejins;
To Wind nenopūta
Sudrabiņi coat.
Oh, Janita, the Son of God,
What do you vedi wagons?
- Daughters Vedic acorn ornaments
Guys marten cap.
Eita, daughters, look,
John carried on wagons:
Boys led līgaviņas,
Stately arājiņus daughters.
Atjāj John midsummer night
Appuškotu Kumeliņš;
Tec, nurse, waiver worth,
To ride John playpen.
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