St. John's songs - a beautiful wife Janice
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Poems / St. John's songs - a beautiful wife Janice

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to where I was Buddha,
Ligot came Piebalgs:
Piebalga high mountains,
Far shines Jāņugunis.
Janice, brother,
Nelaimīte occurred:
Jāņuguni fire
All hair nosviluši.
Light the tar barrel
Modiniet John\'s children,
For copper horn honked,
To sing the songs of John.
From Vāczemes izlīgoja:
Simtiņš funeral kumeliņu,
Two hundred jājējiņu.
Pārgulējuši night in Riga,
Cesis handle brokastiņu;
Vestiena iejājuši,
Kumeliņus ēdināja;
Bērzonē market handle,
There\'s dancin kumeliņus.
Sajājuši on the bridge,
Broke the bridge floor;
There apmirka Janice
Sudrabiņi kamzoliņi,
Colorful curves.
Janita Trejo gate
All Trejo appušķoti:
One by one the shepherds came,
By launching a second pieguļnieki,
St. John\'s Children, by third
On the edge edges.
safe, children John,
Nenākat afraid;
In the evening, the day before yesterday
Wait \'my māmuliņa.
shui, bees wax chair
Under green Ozolina;
There sat John\'s mother,
John\'s waiting children.
sewing chair
Lower green Ozoliņa
St. John\'s mother apsasēsta,
John sajemot children.
got up, saiminiece,
Apvelcies Midsummer skirts:
Jānīti see, God\'s son;
Golden horn hand.
John\'s mother, tired,
John gaidīdam day \'.
All works rendered
By Janice evening:
Gate posts, bed posts,
All Meiji appuškoti.
Sith power pulksteniņu
At the Doru stenderīša,
Rose to John\'s mother,
Paslieksnē slept.
Good evening, John\'s mother,
Or of last health \'?
If pērnaja health,
Get your children to John:
John\'s children are cold,
John lasīdami medicine.
waiting, waiting, John\'s mother,
Well come your children John,
Well come your children John
Along-track trails.
Good evening, John\'s mother,
Or waiting for John\'s children?
John\'s children come
Edge of the rim.
Good evening, John\'s mother,
Get your children to St. John\'s,
If this year will not receive,
Nenāksim another year. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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