St. John's songs - a beautiful wife Janice
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Poems / St. John's songs - a beautiful wife Janice

Page : 6
Gano went
Profit \'five coats;
Midsummer night Ligot went
All five back.
Gano went,
Profit \'five\'s Skin\';
St. John\'s yesterday \'līgot went,
All five back.
Dog skin, cat skin,
An old horse\'s belly.
Dog skin rietin barked,
Cat skin mew money;
The old horse\'s underbelly
Bubināti bubināja.
dieniņas wanted
Midsummer night waiting;
When night came to St. John\'s,
Wearing a white t-shirt.
shui my shoes, kurpenieks,
Gilded leaves,
So that I can on Midsummer\'s Night
Village boys tease.
, big John\'s children,
Pagaidat me low:
A great dew, long skirts,
Could not patecēt.
Jōneišam many Barnes
Kai then dryvas ubogam:
Cytu trucks, cytu medium,
CYTS ran kōjeņom.
By reaping the benefits of Midsummer Eve;
All children were John,
What Jānīti chanted.
I tell you, St. John\'s children,
Throw the trees from the roadway:
Ries adores, will go Laimīte,
Happiness kumeliņis fall.
Kuriet large Jāņuguni
At the very midsummer evening
To meet at St. John\'s Children
On the edge edges.
What\'s a spark
Him aside, the river?
Jānīts a spark,
Little Peter irritated.
Kuriet large Jāņuguni
John same evening:
John\'s children are cold,
John lasīdami medicine.
children cold,
John līgojot night;
Vībotnītes broke,
Pakuram spark.
hill behind the smoke are smoking,
Who smoked the smoke?
St. John\'s children smoked,
John lasīdami medicine.
Who shone as endorsed
In her field tip?
Jānīts a spark,
His children waiting.
Midsummer\'s Night burned barrel
Mountain High end:
Village boys come
Midsummer night fun. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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