Sit, Jānīti, copper drum
Gate pole tip,
To ceļāsi those folks,
Who Slept on Midsummer night.
Sit, Jānīti, copper drum,
Sakura John Uguntina,
In order to meet John\'s children
John\'s feast to celebrate.
Sit, Janita, copper drums
Goalposts tips,
Road to St. John\'s mother,
In order to receive St. John\'s children.
Eita, people watch
What Ermis field had:
There Jānītis drum beats
Goalposts tip.
Blow, Janita, copper horn,
Coaster standing,
To ceļāsi Midsummer children
On the edge edges.
Blow Jānīti, copper horn,
For reads all worlds,
Children came to St. John\'s
Edge of the rim.
Blow Jānīti, copper horn,
At the gate stood,
On the path of John\'s mother
From the soft cushions.
Blow Jānīti, copper horn,
Standing on the hill;
If you do not have the copper horn,
Blow your old boots.
Blow Jānīti, copper horn,
Sounds to all worlds;
Sasagrieza Midsummer children
St. John\'s mother\'s courtyard.
Blow Jānīti, copper horn,
John called his children:
John\'s children are scattered,
John lasīdami medicine.
Come, Janita, God\'s Son,
The sun playpen:
Brass trumpet convened
Close, far Midsummer children.
Together, together,
Neighbors daughter
Let\'s go Jānīti
Listen, Jānīti,
Where do you chant:
By ežām urchin,
By the way roads,
Oak forest,
There you chant,
There you chant,
Pinot crowns.
Leigoj bee leigoj sun
By Lelu teirumeņu;
It leigōja Jonas Barnes
By Malene maleņom.
hill dune glory,
To balsiņis distant sounds,
To hear John\'s mother,
Where the children sang in celebration.
Padziedam, līgojam,
Three parishes zeltenītes:
Remtenieces, saldenieces,
Blīdenieku zeltenītes,
To listen to these folks,
What līgot did not know how.
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