St. John's songs - John's mother silk skirt
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Poems / St. John's songs - John's mother silk skirt

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go outside. John\'s mother,
To thee we look at:
Or mouth washed,
Or comb your hair;
I mouth washed,
I comb the hair.
Who ate dry bread
John\'s evening?
What John\'s mother and advisors
John\'s evening?
I sviedīšu Midsummer drugs
St. John\'s mother\'s bed,
May God grant another year
Near the small sleepers.
novi rose crown
The same drug in the evening,
This is John\'s mother lining
About Janice tumor.
a new subsidiary, new wife,
Midsummer night neguliet,
Plūciet roses, MAGONĪTE,
Pušķojiet John\'s mother.
I am your mother, John
Give flower wreath,
For the growing good cows
Ziedainām feet.

Herbal flower wreath;
Coming God, Mom
New cows circle.
put on Midsummer\'s mother
Clover wreath:
Around the mother cows māva
How about drug clover.
Come out, John\'s mother,
What I am thine display \':
You sadzina Midsummer children
Large colorful flock of cows.
John\'s mother did not know
What cattle lairage;
Dark brown, light brown
Gilded Horns.
Good evening, John\'s mother,
Fortunately, we\'re going to tell you:
You were born speckled cows
Sudrabiņi Horns.
Come out, John\'s mother,
I will tell you a fortune cows:
Lairage, sub-threshold
There is your bovine happiness.
Ion motes Lela gained
By Lelo minute motes:
Well Guten Spann milked,
Well teleites slauktiveiti.
John\'s mother\'s yard
Three Silver springs:
One drank speckled cows
Second Kumeliņš Berry,
The third source
John\'s mother bathed.
What keeps shining, there shines
St. John\'s mother\'s courtyard?
There was shining, there shone
Three Silver springs:
One drank speckled cows,
The second bay kumeliņi,
At the third source
John\'s mother bathed. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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