, Janita, a black horse,
Apjāj my tīrumiņus,
To burtītis nenobūra
Jyudz, Jõneiti, SERM zyrgu,
Sorgoj Moon teirumiņu:
Ion Dean raganeņa
Jõj, mīzeišus trauceidama.
burdock fence aptaisīju
Around that my tīrumiņu,
There wizards run across
Midsummer night.
Jānīts rode on Midsummer\'s Night
Rang, žvedzēdams;
Fuck, Jānīti, strikes him
Apjāj my barley field:
When atjāsi another year
Give a sweet barley beer.
Jānīts traveled throughout the year,
Well arrived at home;
Come on, Jānīti, yard,
Spin him round the middle,
To grow in our fields of rye,
Turning Vērpelēs.
Take Jānīti, a black horse,
Apjāj your tīrumiņu:
Is it purely deracinate,
Is there a grass lining.
Take Jānīti, a black horse,
Apjāj my rye field
Izmin grass, izmin bears,
To clean up my rye.
Take Jānīīti, a black horse,
Apjāj my tīrumiņus,
Izmin usnes, izmin medicine
To clean up labībiņa.
Take Jānīti, a black horse,
Apjāj my tīrumiņus;
How many steps, the quotes,
So Gubin field.
Sasagrieza John\'s children
Figeľ father\'s yard;
Cut, God, rye barley
John\'s father\'s field.
tied a black horse
Janice at the barn door?
Piesējuši sons of God,
Barley rye mērodami.
, Jānīti, the Son of God,
With marvelous your hat:
Lower your cap
I grew barley, rye.
Oh brother, oh, brother,
Your big field of rye:
All night salīgoju,
End of the field did not find.
young boys, a new subsidiary,
Midsummer night neguļati:
Who Slept on Midsummer night,
Valdres rye, barley Valdres.
good housekeeper,
To bypass your rye field;
What a slut,
Not neapgāja around the garden.
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