once we meet.
Some will flower in the wheat,
What klāsies as Christmas snow.
I now understand and deeply feel
What\'s your man more than anything else is missing.
Hand digging is not too difficult
But life is death free to ask.
nothing more, so a small set of sand,
From tough kadiķkrūma logged Cross ...
For at least the song while we are together,
To enable it again to feel your pat.
To bend the head to the pine trees,
Who dew drops in the tomb brush,
It can not ever stop to bloom,
What led to die the same death.
fisherman dies,
His soul turns into a seagull,
Bang foam dive,
Līgojas wave hushaby ...
longer than you, and pity seizes breasts
You had to die so early,
Without you, but many will be so difficult,
Revision no without you but sad.
are again jāplūc brūklenāju mint,
A lot of the graves have brought another one.
was not dzeltējušās page
Salta was not the autumn wind,
They had. pain, what do you keep in poetry,
What\'s on your chest heart torn sides.
Human Life
Not a short break,
Human life
There are all human.
I\'ll go when the morning mist teens
There will be a white-haired kadiķkrūms Fell road.
It may be that my way Woodpecker know
If one path bog neievīsies failure.
The mother can not take away her son,
Because the son can not be deprived of his mother
In none
And death.
litter cherry flowers
Light was out of words ...
Or both will be able to more
The same for?
Revision no dream slept white sand,
When it had auklētājs. ceased to suffer.
dew will be very full and sonorous field
when I will go back.
Oriole on a branch will be called after me,
when I will go back.
These immense beauty of life
We fully izdziedāsim tomorrow.
But today klusēsim. His memories present
Another moment of memory colors.
Only Memory quiet
How fondly known steps
All his life he is playing next.
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