When Chuck Norris was the guy with the crying scene, he uses an alternate. Saturiņicīts>
Semira Gerkāns believes that the \"Stop\" sign is nothing more than a recommendation. Saturiņicīts>
Chaka took place in calendar: Čanvāris, Čebruāris CART, Caprile, Čaijs, Čunijs, Čūlijs, Čugusts, Čeptembris, Čoktobris, Čovembris, Čecembris. Saturiņicīts>
After Bush\'s visit to Romania in talks to two Gypsies:
- Did you see what Bush watches?
- No, show
arrives Service:
- Change car oil filters, brake pads and girls in the cabin. . . Saturiņicīts>
new Russians ask:
- Why do you hold office aquarium?
- You know, it is so nice to see someone who opens his mouth, not in order to ask for money. . . Saturiņicīts>
meet two young Russians. One asks the other:
- Vasya, where you get yourself a suit?
- Paris.
- It\'s far from the Seaside?
- Well, approximately, two thousand kilometers.
- Think only! These fields, but so well sewn! Saturiņicīts>
- Mom, I do not want to Sweden.
- Shut up and aire
son\'s father:
- Dad, or we will come to the real Santa Claus?
- The real Santa Claus, Son, go to Jurmala, the Chinese will come to us. . . Saturiņicīts>
wife\'s mother-in-law asks:
- Did you see the man who saved me when I slicks?
- Yes, he had already arrived to apologize. Saturiņicīts>
- Is the child\'s appearance can be a cause of conflict within the family?
- Yes you can, especially if the child appears late and noticeably intoxicated. Saturiņicīts>
Friday husband says to his wife:
- Hey, to each other Make a great weekend!
- Of course dear!
- Well then, goodbye until Monday! Saturiņicīts>
night. Man, lost in the woods bļauj:
- Help, help!
Wife comes out of the house:
- Mutt, crawling out of our garden and removes sunglasses
three Estonians 5:00 in the morning began to fish.
10:00, first:
- Necopē.
15:00, second:
- Really, necopē.
21:00, third:
- You vāraties here all the time, so the necopē. Saturiņicīts>
- What\'s red and damage the teeth?
- Brick. Saturiņicīts>
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