Jealous may be the love that you turned away from, but not for what it addressed. S
Things interpreted as simple as possible but no simpler. Saturiņicīts>
nepārmainās. The difference only as who knows how to pretend. Saturiņicīts>
lose respect for other\'s eyes and in pain, but the man that endures; losing respect in the eyes of the meaning of the end. Saturiņicīts>
Love is stronger than death, but life is stronger than love. Saturiņicīts>
minded creature can never be lonely, because the universe is filled with live view. Saturiņicīts>
are needed in those moments when not to breathe. Then, for any benefits or standing around, you\'ve got nothing out of it all and will not be just one-inhaled air. Saturiņicīts>
husband is the only man with whom a woman can not afford everything. Saturiņicīts>
Joy bucket must empty to the bottom, if do not want to enjoy the bitter stepped thickness. Saturiņicīts>
Arriving in the world, you cried, but everyone around you happy, living in such a way that, leaving this world, you smile, but all around you cry. Saturiņicīts>
What is important for success: talent or strādīgums? But what is more important bike: front or rear wheel? Saturiņicīts>
Work keeps us from three great evils: the boredom, vice and poverty. Saturiņicīts>
Never forget that you can not poison other life than that which you live, and you can not live a different life than those which are corrupted. Saturiņicīts>
If you can not do what you love, then let you liked what you\'re doing!
, walking toward the target, you will begin to stop en route to hurl a stone at every dog who you aprej, then your never going to achieve the objective. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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