spoiling too pleasant soul. Harsher climate strengthens the spirit of the place and make it suitable for large plans. Saturiņicīts>
What is the soul? So, which shines only with the same benefits. Saturiņicīts>
golden bridle does not make the horse better. Anyone can boast only of what belongs to himself. Man praise is just what is his own. Commend him what he can not take away or give it to belong to the same person. You are asking what is it? It is the soul and the soul to fully developed brain, because man is a being endowed with mind. But from what she calls the mind? What kind of animal that: to live in harmony with the nature! However, it is difficult because of the general insanity: closing up each other vices. Saturiņicīts>
trance, as you can; Meet with those who make you better, \'Let them come near you, which you can make better. Saturiņicīts>
None of itself is not strong enough to lift themselves out: need someone to us outstretched hand and removing the field. Saturiņicīts>
nenonievā But also people who just Safeguarding with help: it has a lot - wish to be saved.
One man\'s nature are docile, easy to be created, for others, as they say, it must be processed manually and work from the ground up.
We can help not only those who live, but also those who lived. But of those who live, choose those who teach with my life who told what to do, it also confirms the work and points out the need to avoid, and which never caught doing it, the same as suggested sidestep.
Insight into human character can be learned from the slightest evidence: degenerate put in his gait and gestures, and ever single answer, and finger touch the head and right eyes, sneaking - his laughter; maniac - his facial expression and posture. These properties are visualized by certain characteristics: someone who is, understand, watched as he celebrated, and as being lauded.
disease, which is still at an early stage, looking for the name, but the already swollen ankles and both feet have become good (no different from one another), we are forced to admit that it is gout. Saturiņicīts>
The opposite occurs with diseases affecting the soul: the worse one we\'re doing, the less he is mine. Severe sleep erases the dreams, and soul immersed in so deep that he no longer aware of myself.
Dreams tells the man awake, and the lack of recognition is a sign of healing. So - to Awaken, so that we can uncover their misconceptions. Saturiņicīts>
freed from all barriers and nododies into their spiritual perfection: no one person can not be too busy to get there. Saturiņicīts>
voice, I think, be more intrusive than the noise, because they give themselves a long, but the noise only affects the ears, and performing. Saturiņicīts>
to the outside of all thunder and daggers, unless the soul is restless, not strive to argue with the fear of lust, greed and extravagance not to fight with each other harassed. What to calm the entire district, the bang of passion? Saturiņicīts>
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