The difficulty in correcting the text of the people
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Poems / The difficulty in correcting the text of the people

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Why me save the names? They cost nothing. I know that many of exhorting, someone help. It may not be the one who tries a lot, and ever goes wrong.
achieve the goal by chance there is no art. But wisdom is the art.
Customize your character, uplifts the spirit and stand strong against all the alarming: apart from those you are afraid.
Severe reduction in disease sufferers replaced health.
Life you can take away only one, as it is the only one given.
Poole grace is obtained unrighteous ways: you yourself become similar, because it recognizes the benefit only those which will be considered on his own. But more importantly, what you seem to yourself.
If the ship is leaking, and can aizdrīvēt one or the other cracks, but if it grows in many places, izirstošajam ship can not help.
decent stūresvīrs continues to shred the sails and even lost all the rigging, adjusting the ship\'s wreckage for further journey.
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