Waiting and ielīgo Jani
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Poems / Waiting and ielīgo Jani

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Jānītim loaf cepu
Three morning malumiņu;
Nine could not
Move heavy loaf.
generous man
Struck the bull barn;
John\'s mother, čabatiņa,
Serial chicken baked in ashes.
, Jānīti, the Son of God,
What in the woods Bulduri?
- Daughters Making lime table
Midsummer night cheese system.
Oh, Jānīti, dwarf,
What it is your wife doing?
- The milk is heated, the cheese wall,
By tekādama house.
cheese sowing
Nine corners;
This corner, the corner
Viducītis myself,
Myself viducītis
On the stone cēlumiņu.
cheese sowing
In the Midsummer Eve;
Jānītis brought stones
Moaned, weeping.
cheese sowing,
Pig shit in the middle made;
This corner, the corner
Janice viducītis.
A small cheese sasējusi.
What do you give swain,
What Herbal carrier?
quietly listened quietly,
What nettles Cabins:
John\'s mother planted cheese,
To see John\'s children.
celebration cheese drilling Mother
Behind the bathhouse elksnīšos;
Sasējusi were not good fellow,
Ate all the same.
cheese sowing,
Behind the trees tupēdama:
Lien field, St. John\'s mother,
Give your little children
cheese sowing
Behind the cabin Krumins,
St. John\'s daughters milking cows,
Lairage tupēdamas;
Pienīc went: SNIBE, vodka,
Kaķepīte: barely a while.
Jonin Lela gained
By Leos moments motes;
Tei sasēje Lelu Sira,
Jonah Dean gaideidama.
other home cheese sowing,
Our home as a carrier:
Our home lazy daughter
Can not fix the cheese.
Father\'s honor, his father\'s honor,
Where do the same honor to the mother?
Fathers made the beer,
Mother nesasēja cheese.

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