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Poems / Philosophy

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I respectfully honored philosophy created and the same indicators. I enjoy it as seen in many people\'s heritage: it\'s all I have accumulated, to work to get me good.
There is still much work to be done, and many still remain, and like all those born after thousands of generations, will not be denied the opportunity to make even the present. Though the ancient should have all found, however, a new target will be as ¬ found another use for the identification and adjustment.
People who lived before us have done a lot, but have not led to the end of all. However, they have to be treated with great respect and honor them like gods.
also found the ancient soul of medicine, but how to use them and when, it is our task to explore.
cause and matter of any art is to imitate nature. All things composed of it, from which they arise, and from what they produce.
For the world: darinātājs - it is God, that from which something is created - matter, form - it is the world\'s prominent position and arrangement, the prototype of course, is that after God created the model of the most beautiful, tremendous amount of work, - and that is why he made it.
As Plato says, \"What was the reason for God to create the world? He is good, but the Good neskauž other benefits. why He created the world as a good ability.\"
The judgment of the truth is just as high above us as the truth itself.
If something can hurt me, THEN it\'s just a body, but in this troubled home lives free spirit.
Spirit himself requested all right. His contempt for the body - it is safe for freedom.
of places in this world holds God, man holds the spirit, the world is the matter, the flesh in us. So inferior to serve the best! We will be strongly against any accidental, not wrong Do not be afraid, no wound, no shackles, no shortage
also very bold and rich in spirit can hide in any cover.
The huts may rise ambitious and worthwhile person, the ugly, minor injury - a beautiful, a great soul.
Bodily disfigurement soul does not make ugly, but the beauty of the soul body is decorated.
Every virtue has its own mayor. Mayor has set a limit: no firmness kāpināma, like trust, truthfulness, reliability.
human virtues is a single measure: there is only one mind, straight and simple. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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