That is, that no moment will not be repeated,
grants life to its amazing uniqueness.
In this world everything is already invented, except as
to live.
We love life not because we like to live, but because we love to love.
Since we never really do not live, just hope that someday we will live.
Life is so little, and it is full of contingencies. We
meet at, we nesatiekamies, we turned
the wrong place and running, however, and each other
on top. We consciously choose the right path, and it
does not arrive anywhere.
this play, what to play, we can win. Some
losing ways are better than others, that\'s all.
Life can be so close to perfection as much as two human beings with their weaknesses are capable of doing this.
Put his hand on his chest and his heart beats uztausti, actually, there your life is ticking clock, counting a lifetime moments. One day it will stop - it can be
say with one hundred percent guarantee. And now there\'s nothing to amend.
bide one\'s time to act. Saturiņicīts>
We can not do for themselves. Thousands diedziņu
connects us to other people.
Live should not be regarded as suffering race. Saturiņicīts>
Most people devoted themselves living the best part of the ex-
be used to make life a worse worst-case
Every moment in life we stand with one foot in the realm of fairy tale and the other - the abyss.
Life will always be bad enough to heal man\'s desire for the better.
Life in the dark - there is no life. Who lives without knowing it
just breathe. Cognition and life are inseparable.
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