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Poems / Dictums

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Christianity done a lot of love in favor of the
declaring a sin.
[ Dictums ]
Roses corkiness most attractive smells, as well as the most attractive woman gets life after the vernal.
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until a woman is still young, her lord and prince\'s lover, the old - the clergyman.
[ Dictums ]
woman\'s beauty is the same as a man
Gold, only one difference: all can be obtained by
beauty, it did not lose, but get all the gold, lay it down.
[ Dictums ]
loves a woman, which can be so passionate, as can be, and
with those feelings, it is now close.
[ Dictums ]
Women and doctors know when a lie is harmful and when it is good.
[ Dictums ]
most interesting novel - the beautiful women
glowing eyes, whose gaze says more below!
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Each person will eventually come to the conclusion that the only person who can successfully lie, he is.
[ Dictums ]
Only a fool knows how to answer any questions.
[ Dictums ]
Man is created it: to rest one of the
work, he needs another job.
[ Dictums ]
To desire death when there is a chance to live, just as
faint of heart, and pity lives when it\'s time to die.
[ Dictums ]
Repeat the same does not prove it.
[ Dictums ]
irony is the last stage of frustration.
[ Dictums ]
course, the deformity is crippled, not beautiful, but if the whole world would be beautiful, the whole world is not beautiful.
[ Dictums ]
Happy is he who, even a little bit like
Don Quixote. . . He looked at the world through the prism of your soul. He was not fooled, not - fool is one who sees life than a great pool, than beautiful.
[ Dictums ]

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