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Poems / Dictums

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Not the most beautiful, not pretīgākie human effort is not put in her bio, from nature, it is a social process.
[ Dictums ]
lack of love for ourselves is a symptom of selfishness. He who does not love himself, forever worried about themselves.
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Life has no meaning other than what the man himself, the development of their forces in and enjoy living, it is granted.
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There are people who are too stupid to live in a prejudice.
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first man who, instead, to throw a stone, izlamājās, was a pioneer of civilization.
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life moving forward, we learn your limits.
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If people begin to value the life Interest or a sense, he is sick.
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love the man necessary forms and colors, men are looking for images. But women - only feelings. Her love better than we do - they are blind.
[ Dictums ]
True love does not involve any
sympathy, no respect, he is living with the desire and
consuming trick.
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woman - men\'s best teacher.
[ Dictums ]
woman who loves, forgives more than a man capable of sin.
[ Dictums ]
Jealousy, being the weakness of men, women serve as the strength and entrepreneurial spirit awakens.
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love a man can believe even visrupjākiem
lies, as long as they are nice.
[ Dictums ]
moderation observed everywhere, even in its simplicity.
[ Dictums ]
culture is not possible to feel the fineness.
[ Dictums ]

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