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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems for your greeting cards


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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv

Poems / Dictums

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it is wise who knows a lot, but one who knows you want.
[ Dictums ]
being a wolf, nemauj the calf.
[ Dictums ]
In this world, there is no sorrow that could not be overcome youth.
[ Dictums ]
many think it speaks a little, trying to
accommodate as many thought a few words.
[ Dictums ]
sharp tongue - the only sharp weapon, which of
stand-alone use is becoming more acute.
[ Dictums ]
mighty minds sets a goal, as opposed to people
follow their own desires.
[ Dictums ]
vēzreiz If I should choose - to work
good-natured foolish despot or the genius of leadership - again I choose the second - most difficult path.
[ Dictums ]
real, real is stark. Also a pleasure.
[ Dictums ]
jādeg to be bright.
[ Dictums ]
Act safely, but not rashly. Netriecies head on the wall - it will be useful sensible use.
[ Dictums ]
his youth, need a lot to learn, so that you understand how much yet to learn. And if it understood, you still learn, then you can be sure that there is indeed something to attain.
[ Dictums ]
progress, future progress will become a tradition.
[ Dictums ]
From personal experiences no one can be saved, have to deal with the same myself.
[ Dictums ]
man who does not like any, is unhappy about the fact that no one loves.
[ Dictums ]
fools not argue, but the past is recalled foolishness: it can be a little temper ņirdzīgo destabilizing the next shift.
[ Dictums ]

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