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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems / Dictums

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praises, so it\'s your funeral.
[ Dictums ]
Expensive fur more salt makes the ladies, which they see, than the heat which the worn leather.
[ Dictums ]
Happy, thrice happy is the man whose life adversity temper.
[ Dictums ]
Paākums, whose nature is uncertain, causing disgust.
[ Dictums ]
real treasure - the ability to work.
[ Dictums ]
The fact that large in front of it, who knows him, it becomes ridiculous.
[ Dictums ]
The people who fled their homeland, svešatnē not respect, but they disappeared from home.
[ Dictums ]
Oh, youthful smiles, which is nothing nenojauzdami already pulled paths of future wrinkles.
[ Dictums ]
Nobody leaves cognac hangover so disgusting as heart shake.
[ Dictums ]
You just aim - and always will be immediately
the rock of flint.
[ Dictums ]
Happiness is always subjective - the same set of circumstances does a happy one and one - unhappy.
[ Dictums ]
Some women fall in love is the same,
the snail shell pearl - her only treasure, but also incurable pain.
[ Dictums ]
Is life really can love more than one wife, I do not know. But more than one tēviju and can not be.
[ Dictums ]
While youth would know, but age could!
[ Dictums ]
tolerant fathers consists of ungrateful children.
[ Dictums ]

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