Aphorisms about life
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Poems / Aphorisms about life

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idea that we springs to mind is usually silently awaited for years.

our life happiness depends on our idea of ​​nature. Life is what we ourselves with our thoughts are formed.

Thoughts are forces,

What do you think

It is you.

idea without morality - lack of understanding of morality without thinking - bigotry.

is a great pleasure to think the great thoughts, but an Even Greater Joy When Life is Lived in accordance with a thesis thoughts. Thoughts trail brīvotājs great strength, we are Approaching to show the world, and especially at times of light we perceive and Understand his hidden wisdom. Divine Gift, Which the Creator HAS given up on Their children, theyâ izdzīdams of Paradise, is the Ability to Think. I HAD now it gives the Possibility to create your own paradise.

Every idea has two sides - one side is a tragedy, the second - a joke.

My thought is either my paradise, or my hell.

copper tank can always destroy.

idea of ​​creating a world.

fullest idea, if it go out, life shall be appended to your mixture to be sīkstāka and self-sufficient because of the all-powerful gold in pure form is a weaker and weaker hop string.

return to view all ongoing and should be developed, it will open in its infancy, we unexpectedly beautiful addition to an existing world of ordinary life in quite a different life.

nobly Beautiful is not just feelings, but also pure and noble thoughts.

thoughts immediately starts to doze as soon as we allow them to sit down.

No one is responsible for his own thoughts.

thought no one sees, and what to see, that the world is legal.

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