Quotes of the people and society
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Poems / Quotes of the people and society

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Force and tendons can not borrow, lend can only garments and cloak.
To analyze the high and mighty things, the same soul, otherwise things we attribute our own vices. Straight oar in the water is hooked. Not be limited to what we see things, it is important, as we will see.
Who would not be willing to change your health, peace or even their lives to excellence and fame - visneīstākajām, visnevajadzīgākajām visnederīgākajām and banknotes, which are circulating to us?
Perception is strong, bold and overwhelming thing.
The fact that our view of the contents is granted, so you can see, many of which we see not so easy to measure, but because in order to assess its relation to us, we do not take into account not the case characteristics, not the validity but just what we paid for the acquisition, just as if it were an essential part of this thing, and we call on the value rather than what comes from the things themselves, but what we put in them.
Prosperity and poverty are dependent on the idea that each of them, wealth, fame and health is a wonderful and enjoyable only in so far as such they feel that who they are. Each feels good or bad depending on what he thinks about his own position. Satisfied is not the fact that others feel the meet, but the fact that it views itself as such. Therefore, only a person\'s faith is important and true.
to the value of our eyes depends on the difficulties that this case is obtained. Our ideas will never tolerate that the case would remain without a proper application. Diamond value is contributed by the purchase, virtues - the difficulties of devotion - pain medicine - the bitterness.
Whatever the fate bestow benefits, still require the ability to enjoy them. We were not happy doing it, that we belong to something, but the fact that we enjoy.
saturation of capacity and desire to make us suffer, both below and above the pleasure framework.
Fate does not do us no good or bad: it only supplies us the raw materials and seeds, which is our soul, in this case is stronger than fate, driven and uses its own liking, as she is happy or unhappy in our state the only reason and the only Mistress.
When I tell about someone else\'s troubles, I laugh, I rushed to look at yourself to see how we\'re doing the same to me. Everything that affects the way, also applies to me. She warns me bad luck and make careful comparable cases. Every day and every hour we are telling the others what to talk about yourself, unless your speculations\' ability to respond just as well turn against itself, as it turns out for the other.
convince others that believe in what they believe. Others - and they are the majority - convincing ourselves what it means to believe.
the wonders where it is consistent with our desire for money, cruelty, vanity, greed, mēlnesību and rebellion. By contrast, kindness, mercy and tolerance, we is not right for him, and if we are to respect nepamudinās something miraculous, we nespersim not a step in that direction.
least I believe in people\'s independence and prefer - their nepatstāvībai.
Just like a fire in contact with the cold becomes brighter, and our desire, faced with an obstacle, it becomes hotter.

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