Quotes of the people
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Poems / Quotes of the people

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created man to live in society, distinguish between them from the isolate him - and his thoughts become disorganized, become cruel nature, there will be hundreds of preposterous passion in his soul, absurd ideas take root in his brain as a wild thorny tree in the desert.
People like animals: big eats small but
small bites big.
big fish eat little fish, the ocean and everything anyway.
Rich pursuingA wealth, the poor - the rich.
If you will not learn to stand on your head, you will not
fine community.
company is nothing but a detailed and controversial
interest in the arena, where the face, fighting each other, injuring and insulting each other high-flying ambitions, paying for yesterday\'s victory with a loss tomorrow.
company is gloomy monster, apparently drowsy, and you feel that you can afford any freedom. But it is constantly watching you, watching stupid and when you expect the least, stretched his iron hands and crush you.
form the backbone of the Company and not philosophers, but
izzāģētāji figurines and collectors stamps.
company buys its opinions as meat and
milk because it is more profitable than hold their own cow.
only here instead of milk is water.
No matter what others think - because they just think that
It is surprising to hear what people are talking behind your back and you\'ve got what it\'s all true.
When the last day of your life that will be the thing you want most? Or you will long to embrace your graduate? Or you will be asked to help you get into the garage and still allows for a moment to sit in your car? Do you earn consolation, Reading through your income statement? The most important but at the moment is people. If the relationship is of utmost importance then, or they should not allow a major role in NOW?

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