Quotes about education
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Poems / Quotes about education

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Respect must acquire the virtue and intelligence and love - with the goodness of virtue and gentleness.
If there is a genuine natural law, An Instinct That Both equally expressed in animals and humans (although this is controversial), THEN I think everyone behind the animal\'s desire to Protect intrinsics themselve And Avoid All The Harmful second place in the Parents\' Their love of their offspring. And as the nature of us, it Seems That the Universe Intendis fruitful and sequence development purpose, it is the wonder That the feedback - the Children Love Their Parents - is Not that strong.
regrettable that his father, whose love of children is dependent on how much they need his help.
No man who lived his life honorable, can not experience such a miserable old age, to deprive dignity, in particular from the children, whose souls need early on to tune its performance, using observations of mind, not hardship, poverty, violent language and power tools .
What has not been able to reach the mind, foresight and skill, can never be achieved by force.
I have not seen that sticks to achieve something other than cowardice and cunning pertinacity.
Children need to consistently teach hate vices as such, need to teach them to see the monstrous vices natural to their avoidance of them not only their business, but also in your heart to the thought of them they would be abhorrent, regardless of the type of mask be hidden vice.

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