Man is what he was thinking all the time. Saturiņicīts>
I am not a body with a soul, I am a soul, which is called the visible part of the body.
We did nothing. Everything is what we are looking for. Saturiņicīts>
People are full of surprises - even to ourselves. Saturiņicīts>
People do not turn. Though hundreds of swear
start another life. . . It happens that the ground forced to, we are trying to do, but as soon as we can pārspļaut over the lips, everything is forgotten again.
We do not appreciate what we have and overplay it, what really are. Saturiņicīts>
affect us, although we long to touch. Saturiņicīts>
Anyone know loud and clear that their lives should be done to others, but no one knows what to do with theirs.
man can never know what to want him, because only live once, and not his life or with the previous or next to rectify.
duplicity is the only way to be pleasant unpleasant human society.
We judge ourselves by their ability to something
perform, while others we will be judged on what we have done.
I think that God created animals on the basis of the consideration that the soup does strong man muscles that create donkeys should be free to serve as reference, and that man is created specifically to eat soup and know that he not an ass.
mediocre people to immediately support and saslavē surrounding mediocrity, which honors them ourselves.
\"It is not possible for all the help,\" - says cruel - and does not help anyone.
Humanity, most are not at all come in the world
with a saddle on him, like a handful of the elect is not
born with boots sewn up, and God
courtesy ride to other people.
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