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Poems / Man

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Who thinks a lot, this little speech, trying to fit as much thought a few words.
[ Man ]
great people for their own construction of the pedestal - insists the future of the statue.
[ Man ]
Great Plan of people dying twice - first as people,
be as great.
[ Man ]
moments are sometimes the most common spark of heroism occurs in man, which until then unnoticed gruzdējusi his chest, and he does something which previously would never have dreamed of and then he himself seems almost incredible.
[ Man ]
There are two kinds of people. There are those who live, play and die. And those who never do anything other than to cling to life in balance spire. Are actors. And a rope dancers.
[ Man ]
Everyone hears only what they can understand.
[ Man ]
They have feelings, which makes one think, and do not think that makes him feel.
[ Man ]
evil folks do not have a song.
[ Man ]
Street these arrays are always named plants and trees
words, as if this could heal the natural
environmental damage inflicted, namely, the conversion of the site. Apple route on Elm Street or Cherry alley now sounds like a cruel taunt: notes pastoral symphony of glass reinforced concrete imprisoned. Sister lives in Birch Street end of the sixties built in a horseshoe, surrounded by a semicircle formations coming decades that eloquently expresses the city planners ideas about natural climate reconstruction, which they themselves so thoroughly destroyed.
[ Man ]
most interesting people are always going away.
[ Man ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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