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him that paves all, many passes, but uzošņā what is hidden, stored, thief will not bring peace to what is behind the keys, open doors, burglar left unchecked. This habit of the people, this is all the same neizglītotākajiem people: everybody wants to break into the hidden.
Ostentation of his free life shows an empty ambition.
While we do not start for a happy life thinking only of death on the outskirts! But will not hesitate, even now! When and by whom it will be useful, will learn only by aging? - The fact that I go to get better. You should not think that the correct mental posture another age would be better than this.
grizzled head come to wisdom, they brought it to the years.
The person who wants to break out of the love passion, to avoid any favorite memories of the body. Anyone who wants to get rid of the longing for all that he so ardently fought, remove eyes and ears of what he left behind.

To be able to hold together his spirit, first of all the stop disturbing the body.
Put your eyes wean from viewing, put your ears get used to the wisest speeches.
the deposit of evil: greed promising the money, greed for pleasure - large variety of pleasure, ambition - Purple and applause, and with it - the power and all that it can.
any case only with difficulty to perfection leads constant vigilance and dedication.
Who sends an arrow, he needs to know where to aim, and then hand it should be given direction: our ideas are false, because they have no definite purpose. Who knows where the port wants to get into, there is no tailwind.
It is important not only for what you see, but also to see: our spirit sees too weak to discern the truth.
Maintaining the balance in a stable environment is nothing admirable: to admire the top of the column where all forced to the ground, what stands where all ļimuši.
of smart people there is nothing like that can not happen: he izslējies stand under any load.
Life is not always kept shut, because the benefit is not live, but to live well. A wise man will live as long as you need it, not as much as you can: he will look into where he will live, with whom and how, and what he do.
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happen to him on the road much Difficulty to steal the peace, he released himself free.
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die sooner or later, it does not matter, it is important or die well or badly. But the good die importance to avoid danger to live badly.
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